About Child & Family Sponsorship/Hope Through Education
Worldwide, orphanages are full of children who have families who love them, but cannot care for them. Many families are forced into the decision to send their child to an orphanage where they can be fed, receive education, and get medical care. The local leaders we work with know the unique challenges these families and children face. Therefore, our approaches to helping them are contextualized and diverse. In some cases, children’s homes provide a temporary place for a child to safely live, study, and get the nutrition they need. The vast majority of children in poverty can stay with their families if their families receive appropriate assistance. This usually includes financial help with children’s education. We’ve had the joy of seeing children replace low expectations with dreams of becoming engineers, businessmen, teachers and doctors. Many parents, seeing the benefits to their kids, are learning the value of education and making sacrifices to pay for children to continue schooling after the first year.